Arria for MicroStrategy

Instant data-insights for your MicroStrategy dossier, in expertly-written, AI generated natural language

Stop spending hours (or days) to uncover critical dashboard insights
—Empower your analysts
AI-driven analysis eliminates the possibility of human error
—Deliver reports with confidence
Accelerate high level decision-making with supercharged narrative analysis
—Maximize business performance

Fully Supported by the MicroStrategy Team

“With Arria, MicroStrategy users can quickly and easily generate highly customizable narratives”
— Zachary Rea, Director Sales Engineering, MEA at MicroStrategy

An App for Every Use Case

Arria for MicroStrategy includes multiple language analytic apps to accurately narrate a wide range of visuals, out-of-the-box.

Descriptive Statistics

Generate a summary of quantitative insights

Target-Based Variance

Analyze the variance between actual value and the target value

Time-Based Variance

Analyze the variance in performance for two time periods

Pie Chart Visual

Describe a pie chart and highlight statistically relevant insights

Bar Chart Visual

Describe a bar chart and highlight statistically relevant insights

Line Graph Visual

Describe a line graph and highlight relevant insights

Ranking Analysis

Analyze the top and bottom ranked dimensions

Trend Analysis

Analyze change over time while highlighting significant trends

Correlation Analysis

Detect correlation between multiple series of data points

Anomalies Analysis

Describe a line chart and highlight statistically relevant insights

Anytime. Anywhere.

Maximize your ability to collaborate and communicate key data insights using Arria and the MicroStrategy mobile app.

Stop Screenshotting your Dossiers

If you would like to reduce the time and frustration of understanding your MicroStrategy dossiers, or, having to explain them to colleagues and leadership by creating additional presentations, Arria for MicroStrategy is your answer.

Trusted by Industry-Leading Organizations

Education for Everyone

Download one of the resources below to discover the true power of Arria for MicroStrategy — and share it with your team.

Fact Sheets
Arria for MicroStrategy
Dynamic natural language narratives for your MicroStrategy dossier
Use Cases
Arria for MicroStrategy | Pharma
Discover how Arria for MicroStrategy empower the Pharmaceutical industry with instant data understanding
Use Cases
Arria for MicroStrategy | FP&A
Empowering the financial sector with natural language insights

Live Demo — See Arria in Action

Sign up for a trial to begin adding narratives to your existing MicroStrategy dossiers.