Industry news site Chief Investment Officer published an article featuring Arria NLG titled, “BNY Mellon Pushes into Natural Language Generation”.
The article states: The Bank of New York Mellon is pushing into natural language generation (NLG) to help asset owners and managers develop insights from data.
The financial services company partnered with artificial intelligence (AI) company Arria to embed the language generating technology into its own internal data analytics platforms, called Eagle Performance and Data Management.
Instead of crunching tens of thousands of rows of data, a client using the interface can drop a data set into the interface to generate fully automated reports in seconds, according to a video describing the process.
Other companies, particularly newsrooms and financial services firms, are pushing into natural language generation, including accounting firms Deloitte and Ernst and Young — both of whom are also Arria partners.
READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE > Chief Investment Officer