Arria NLG is pleased to announce that it will be sponsoring, along with Microsoft, Philips and select others, the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2018) held in Tilburg, The Netherlands on November 5-8, 2018.
This year’s INLG conference will include invited lectures, presentations, and workshops on the latest advances in NLG technology.
Featured among the presentations will be a special one introducing the rollout of Arria’s new “Studio For Students” program presented by Arria’s Chief Development Scientist, Dr. Yaji Sripada, and Chief Scientist, Dr. Ehud Reiter.
The program is designed to give students continued access to Arria’s bleeding-edge NLG innovations and training. With time, Arria will introduce Studio certification programs issued by the University of Aberdeen. When students create any innovative solutions using Studio they can join Arria’s NLG store which will give them an income stream. Universities will also be able to sign up for university level licenses for research projects and teaching using Studio.
According to Dr. Sripada, “The goal is to train an army of students on Studio who would then use it to either create new applications or to innovate. It will also serve as a means to encourage NLG innovation at the student level, leading to Arria NLG PhD sponsorships.”
For more information on the conference, please see https://inlg2018.uvt.nl